Etkinlik Kategorisi: Bilimsel Kongre / Sempozyum Organizasyonu
Etkinlik Türü: Konferans
Etkinlik Organizasyonu Yılı: 2023
Katılımcı Sayısı: 30
This year, The Second Ankara Undergraduate Literature Conference, jointly hosted by TEDU and Ankara University, will take place on 28 April, 2023. Third- and fourth-year students of literature in Ankara are invited to submit an abstract (200-300 words) with at least five keywords and a short biography (100 words) to
We invite papers on the act of writing as a useful tool for questioning the human condition. Potential topics on this theme of “writing as a path to discovery” may include, but are not limited to:
Important Dates
30 March Deadline for abstract submission
7 April Notification for accepted papers
28 April Conference
Guidelines for the creative writing poster presentations:
- Dear students, please submit an abstract of your creative work by March 30, 2023. Your abstract should specify the genre (poem/short story/novel/play), provide a brief summary, and offer context (literary, social, or historical) for your work.
- If the conference is held in-person, please ensure that your poster print size is 120x80 cm. In case the event takes place online, a PDF or PowerPoint version of your poster with a 12:8 width to height ratio is acceptable.
- You can download the attached poster template, which includes the following:
Please feel free to modify the design of your poster while ensuring that it includes the above-mentioned content.
Thank you and looking forward to your participation.
Department of English Language and Literature, TED University
Department of English Language and Literature, Ankara University
Department of American Culture and Literature, Ankara University