Academic Titles
2019 - Continues Lecturer PhD
TED University, Faculty Of Arts And Sciences, Mathematics
2010 - 2018 Research Assistant
Middle East Technical University, Mathematics
Managerial Experience
2019 - Continues Lecturer
TED University, Mathematics
2018 - 2018 Part Time Lecturer
TED University, Mathematics
Undergraduate Senior Project
Undergraduate Abstract Algebra II
Undergraduate Abstract Algebra I
Undergraduate Linear Algebra
Undergraduate Introduction to Calculus of One Variable
Undergraduate Discrete Mathematics
Undergraduate Multivariable Calculus
Undergraduate Discrete Mathematics
Undergraduate Calculus II
Undergraduate Calculus II
Undergraduate Number Theory
Undergraduate Linear Algebra
Undergraduate Mathematics for Education Majors
Undergraduate Lineer Algebra and Differential Equations
Undergraduate Calculus of One Variable
Undergraduate Multivariable Calculus