Çelebı İlhan E. G., Uçar R.(Yürütücü), Efe M., Çıkla M., Gevgili K.
Yükseköğretim Kurumları Destekli Proje, 2021 - 2022
"Algebra is a core learning area of middle school mathematics. Throughout middle school, students gain a fundamental knowledge of algebra and algebraic thinking which constitutes the basis of high school mathematics. Although algebra is a useful tool for generalizing arithmetic and representing patterns in our world students are known to have difficulties in understanding algebraic topics involving symbols and patterns conceptually. This has crucial impacts on success in mathematics throughout high school and further studies. The aim and purpose of this research are to develop an instructional technology that will support middle-grade students’ development of algebraic thinking. Specifically, our purpose is to integrate the use of python programming language into a website-supported module which mainly consists of two parts: delivery of the learning contents and the interactive learning activities related to middle-grade mathematics. The research methodology that will be used throughout the project is developmental research. Typical of this line of research, we aim to design, develop and evaluate an instructional tool and a program that is considered as instructional technology. The design and development of the instructional technology will be based on the utilization and integration of the Python programming language with middle school algebra topics. The instructional tool will include a module that will cover an introduction to the algorithm, computational thinking and programming, and algebra activities sections that enhance the content delivery of the algebra topics. There will also be an interactive website involving the module and some exercises and classroom activities, where students can practice programming and mathematics knowledge and skills."