"UAV and D2D-Based Self Organized Network for Disaster Management Applications"

Girici T., Güngör P. V. Ç., YILDIZ H. U.

Newton Programı Destekli Proje, Devam Ediyor

  • Proje Türü: Newton Programı Destekli Proje
  • Başlama Tarihi: Devam Ediyor
  • Bitiş Tarihi: Devam Ediyor

Proje Özeti

"The project proposes a novel communication solution which uses unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) to act as flying base stations (BSs) to maintain the network connectivity and fog computing centres organised as Ground Control Stations (GCSs) to perform the necessary processing and thus increase UAV flight times. Small-cells deployed in UAV flying station enable flexible wireless connectivity thereby providing a temporary network under the control of GCSs. This creates a seamless network connection between safe areas and disaster areas to enable multi-UAV detecting and assessing the impact of disasters. A key innovation is the creation of a network architecture to allow this to occur and the necessary novel algorithms and a machine learning approach to allow an optimal topology that learns from the occurrence and type of disaster and emergency situations. This forms the major part of the research."