Inter-cultural Dialogue Training for Turkish In-service-Teachers for Promoting Sustainable Peace

Erden Başaran Ö. (Yürütücü), Uğurel Kamışlı M. (Yürütücü)

Elçilik Hibe Programı Projesi , 2022 - 2023

  • Proje Türü: Elçilik Hibe Programı Projesi
  • Başlama Tarihi: Eylül 2022
  • Bitiş Tarihi: Ekim 2023

Proje Özeti

With the current tensions and animosities between people of various cultural and ethnic groups in Turkey due to the continuing influx of refugees and migrants from Middle Eastern and Asian countries, intercultural dialogue offers a concrete strategy for fostering understanding, promoting tolerance, and dismantling stereotypes and xenophobic-based barriers. As the migrant and refugee population grows each year, the importance of peaceful cooperation in schools grows as well. It is critical for training in-service teachers to establish a feeling of community among refugee and local schoolchildren and a desire to connect with one another in a nonviolent manner. This project aims to train Turkish in-service teachers to become peace advocates and gain intercultural dialogue skills. We intend to help in-service teachers be equipped with intercultural dialogue strategies that they can implement in their school communities to eliminate common misconceptions among refugee, migrant, and local populations with a better grasp of sustainable peace. In-service teachers will also have an increased awareness of intercultural communication that will serve them well in their professional practices with students from diverse backgrounds. The proposed Intercultural Dialogue Training for in-service -teachers will be provided in five monthly sessions. Starting from providing contextual information about intercultural dialogue, each session will provide pedagogical strategies to educate refugee and local schoolchildren. We hope that this project will be an exemplary practice for those who want to provide similar intercultural dialogue training, peace education, and relevant pedagogical skills to reinforce democracy and social harmony among students from various backgrounds.