European Network for the Mechanics of Matter at the Nano-Scale (MecaNano)

Çakır Hatır (Management Committee) P., Hanay (Management Committee) M. S., Kandemir (Working Groups) A. Ç., Nur Yılmaz Working Group Member) G.

TÜBİTAK - AB COST Projesi , 2022 - 2026

  • Proje Türü: TÜBİTAK - AB COST Projesi
  • Başlama Tarihi: Eylül 2022
  • Bitiş Tarihi: Eylül 2026

Proje Özeti

Our society urgently needs new materials with improved performance and durability in order to overcome its environmental crisis. Room for significant progress is available at the nano-scale, where all properties originate. Research at this length scale has strongly intensified over the past two decades, but the knowledge remains very fragmented, so that a holistic understanding of how the nanoscale mechanical behavior gives rise to the macroscopic properties of the materials is still missing. The Action ambitions to combine the expertise and resources of European and associated researchers to overcome the different bottlenecks limiting the exploration of mechanical size effects. Synergetic gains will be achieved through a common agreement on the physical parameters to be investigated and by promoting interoperability of the research data. In addition, the experimental yield will be boosted by easing access to the latest techniques in nanomechanical testing, nanomechanical simulation and nanocharacterization to the whole community. Even more dramatic gains will be achieved by promoting the application of machine learning to nanomechanical research and favoring the development of interdisciplinary in situ techniques. The transformative policies implemented by MecaNano will durably strengthen nanomechanical research in the European Research Area (ERA). They will foster the emergence of talented future scientific leaders, increase the number of female scientists engaging in nanoscience, as well as increase the visibility of research institutions in Inclusiveness Target Countries and allow their researchers to establish durable cooperations with their peers within the ERA.