Güneri O. (Executive), Çelik K., Uçar Kırmızıgül B., Bayram İ., Erdaş K. D., Aksoy Sheridan R. A., et al.
Other International Funding Programs, 2022 - 2024
our effort to emphasise the role of education in the realisation of the SDGs,
our project proposal, “Education for A Sustainable and Resilient Future'',
is particularly targeted to achieve the aims stated in the UNESCO roadmap
document “ESDfor2030”: Following the guidelines detailed therein, we aim to
raise awareness about sustainability in higher education settings, promote
critical and contextualised understanding of the SDGs, and mobilise action
towards their realisation.
We will contribute to global efforts to raise awareness about
sustainability and develop innovative teaching approaches and methods in higher
education to equip students with knowledge, skills, and attitudes conducive to
a sustainable future. Thus, the project will, firstly, include activities to
raise awareness about sustainability and the SDGs among students, faculty, and
staff within and between the partner institutions. Secondly, a course design
transformation with SDG integration through effective digital teaching tools
and resources will be initiated through a pilot study at TEDU. We will base
this pilot study on the outcomes of OBU’s audit of the integration of issues around
sustainability, resilience, and SDGs into its programs and modules. OBU’s SRF
Network and its recently established Education for Sustainable Development
Working Group, to which Dr. Kurul and Prof Gupta belong, will work as the key
platforms for sharing best practice between TEDU and OBU. Thirdly, the
experience and knowledge gained therein will be shared with other academic and
non-academic stakeholders in Turkey and in the UK as the outcomes of the TEDU
pilot study and the OBU audit will yield both best practice examples and
pathways to “developing the ‘global graduate’ who can consider different
perspectives, approaches challenges with flexible thinking and demonstrates a
willingness to challenge stereotypes”.
create synergy and a mutually beneficial environment in founding a research
haven of co-creation and innovation, and to further our mutual aims in
promoting sustainability and resilience, both institutions aim to share their
experiences concerning change for sustainability and the realisation of the
SDGs in Turkey and the UK. Additionally, we will collaborate with NATURA
(Nature and Culture Association) and TEDMEM, two Turkey-based NGOs committed to
disseminating knowledge and raising awareness about sustainability for the
future as our national partners: Both NGOs will support us in the
awareness-raising and community involvement activities of the project as well
as dissemination of project results.