"Understanding the Experiences of Women as Grandmothers in Later Life in Turkey"

Con Wrıght G. (Executive)

Project Supported by Higher Education Institutions, 2020 - 2021

  • Project Type: Project Supported by Higher Education Institutions
  • Begin Date: December 2020
  • End Date: December 2021

Project Abstract

"What does it mean to be a grandparent today in this changing social landscape? Life expectancy has been increasing over the world, and with it, more and more people have begun to experience and enjoy extended years in later life. People are not only living longer than before, they are also living healthier at advanced ages, allowing them to continue contributing to society in a variety of ways. One such way is that many older people are now able to spend more years with and play a greater part in the lives of their grandchildren. This study would therefore examine the intersections of age, generation, and gender to understand how grandmothers of today approach and experience caregiving for their grandchildren. The central goal of this study is to examine how and under which circumstances grandmothers get involved in providing help to their adult children with childcare. I build upon both gender and life course perspectives to pursue this goal by asking the following questions: In what ways are grandmothers involved in grandchild care? How do grandmothers decide and negotiate their involvement in grandchild care within their family network including their adult children, adult children-in-law, husband, and the other grandmother? How has the pandemic affected their involvement in pre-existing care arrangements? To address these questions, I will collect qualitative data from in-depth interviews with 50 grandmothers aged 60 or above, the sample will be selected to provide data from grandmothers of young children between the ages of 0-5 and daughters or daughters-in-law who work outside of home."