General Information

Institutional Information: Faculty Of Architecture And Design, Dep. Of Interior Arch. And Env. Design
WoS Research Areas: Arts & Humanities (AHCI), ARTS & HUMANITIES, ARCHITECTURE
Avesis Research Areas: Architecture, Engineering and Technology

Names in Publications: Yakın B., Yakın Barış



Citiation (Sum Other)



UN Sustainable Development Goals
Barış Yakın has received his bachelor's degree from the department of Interior Architecture and Environmental Design of Başkent University in 2009. He received his master's degree with the thesis titled " An Analytical Approach to the Relation Between Visual Thinking and Visual Expression" from Hacettepe University in 2012. He also received his doctoral degree from Hacettepe University in 2019 with the dissertation titled "Designing Situations: Discovering and Building Spaces of Interiority in Public Space".
Between 2010 and 2019 he worked in TOBB University of Economics and Technology as lecturer and in Başkent University as guest lecturer where he has taught Design Studio courses. He continues research on design process and theories of interior architecture.
Assistant Professor Barış Yakın joined TED University, Department of Interior Architecture and Environmental Design in 2019.
