Institutional Information:
Faculty Of Education, Department Of Elementary Education, Primary Education
WoS Research Areas:
Avesis Research Areas:
Teacher Training For Primary School
Names in Publications:
Genç Ersoy B., Ersoy G. B., Ersoy G. Berrin, Ersoy Genç B., Genç B., Genç Ersoy Berrin
Dr. Berrin Genç Ersoy, completed her BSc, MSc and PhD in the area of Classroom Teaching, and has a ten years’ experience as a classroom teacher. Her research interests lie primarily in the areas of Turkish as a mother language, Turkish as a second language, vocabulary teaching, vocabulary development, technology enhanced language learning, early literacy, teacher education and gamification. Genc Ersoy conducted several national and international studies and two book chapters on the issue of vocabulary development in language teaching. She has been giving courses and lectures about Turkish Language Education Methods in Primary Education, Turkish Language in Primary Education, Language Development and Literacy Education, First Grade Reading and Writing, Student teaching and Practicum in TED University from 2017 to present day.
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