2022 IARR Main Conference on Applied Relationship Science, 28 Temmuz - 02 Ağustos 2022
Work-life research has considerably grown over the past several decades; however, most researchers have studied with heterosexual partners from a heterocentric perspective and work-life research still falls short for LGBTQ+ families. In this study, we conducted a systematic review of research accumulated between 2002 to 2021 by using an intersectionality lens on work-life balance of LGBTQ+ partners in romantic relationships. We searched three different databases and used cross-reference checks by following PRISMA guidelines. Our final review included 54 total resources (published articles, theses, and dissertations). The researchers created a coding scheme and coded the studies in an Excel sheet based on the constructs of guiding theory, sample and methodology (e.g., participants, sampling procedure, research design, data collection), work-life related operationalizations (e.g., work-life conflict/balance, division of paid/unpaid labor), and intersectionality-based sample characteristics (placeism, racism, classism, gender-based oppression, heteronormativity, cisnormativity, ageism, and ableism). Preliminary results indicated that studies were guided by some common theories (e.g., relative resource theory), predominantly comprised of gay and lesbian partners/dyads and utilized quantitative design and surveys. Division of household labor and childcare, perceived equity/conflict/satisfaction/balance in distribution of paid and unpaid labor were among the frequently assessed constructs. Most of the samples were White and drawn from Western countries. Participants were usually between the ages of 20s-40s, educated, and employed. Although sexual orientation of the participants was explicit, gender-identity was rarely reported in the studies. Gender was either not discussed or addressed via gender role or gender expressions. Questions about (dis)ability were not specified in almost all studies.
KEYWORDS:LGBTQ Relationships;Families;Gender