26th International Mining Congress and Exhibition of Turkey, IMCET 2019, Antalya, Türkiye, 16 - 19 Nisan 2019, ss.672-683
Copyright © IMCET 2019 International Mining Congress and Exhibition of Turkey. All rights reserved.The coal seam thickness of 15 to 18 m in Coal Mine "Podzemna eksploatacija uglja" Coal Mines Banovici d.d. Banovici excavating with long wall method excavating horizontal concentrations using long wall equipment. Due to the complex tectonics and the emergence of a large number of disorder zones, guiding a long wall is a difficult task. This paper work concern with solving problems that arise during exploitation when enclosing a long wall equipment to the disorder on the disorder zones. It also gives technical decision to avoid disorder zones changing active length of long wall face. Technical decision changing active length of long wall face is possible shortening or extending. There are two type of shortening and two type extending active length of long wall face. In this paper work is shown that is not necessarily rectangular preparation of excavation panel, but that the excavation panel active length can be changed during excavation, which enhances security, dynamics of the advance and reduces wear of equipment avoiding disorder zones. Shortening or extending of long wall face, which is shown, can be applied in other mines, not only when exploiting some of the coal seams in the exploitation of other mineral raw materials with long wall equipment method.