Personal factors predicting college student success Üniversite öğrencilerinin başarısını yordayan kişisel faktörler

Aydın Dalarslan G.

Egitim Arastirmalari - Eurasian Journal of Educational Research, vol.2017, no.69, pp.93-112, 2017 (Scopus) identifier


Purpose: With the changing perspective in modern education systems, success means more than grades and includes emotional, social, cognitive, and academic development. The aim of this study was to investigate the role of personal factors (academic selfefficacy, organization and attention to study, time utilization, classroom communication, stress and emotional components, student involvement with college life) in predicting student success. Method: Three hundred and seventeen college students participated in the study, and a demographic information form and the College Learning Effectiveness Inventory (CLEI) were used. A correlational research design was utilized for data analysis. Findings: The results indicate that personal variables significantly predicted student success, ΔR² =.16, ΔF (6, 310) =10.16, p<.05, and that 16% of the total variance was explained with the model. Among the personal variables of effective learning, stress and time pressure and classroom communication were found to be significant predictors of success. Implications for Research and Practice: The findings indicate that students who communicate better and feel more stressed in the classroom reached a higher level of achievement in college learning. The results suggest that activities that increase student communication in the class should be given priority in the classroom environment. In addition, instructors and university counselors should pay attention to the positive relationship between stress and academic success, as a balanced level of stress should not always be feared during studies. For further research, the CLEI should be used with college students in all grades rather than preparatory students to investigate college students’ profiles about personal factors.