Transition Modeling for Low to High Speed Boundary Layer Flows with CFD Applications

Kaynak U., Bas O., Cakmakcioglu S. C., Tuncer I. H., Baş O.

in: Boundary Layer Flows - Theory, Applications and Numerical Methods, , Editor, 2019

  • Publication Type: Book Chapter
  • Publication Date: 2019
  • Editors: , Editor
  • TED University Affiliated: Yes


Transition modeling as applied to CFD methods has followed certain line of evolution starting from simple linear stability methods to almost or fully predictive methods such as LES and DNS. One pragmatic approach among these methods, such as the local correlation-based transition modeling approach, is gaining more popularity due to its straightforward incorporation into RANS solvers. Such models are based on blending the laminar and turbulent regions of the flow field by introducing intermittency equations into the turbulence equations. Menter et al. pioneered this approach by their two-equation γ-Reθ intermittency equation model that was incorporated into the k-ω SST turbulence model that results in a total of four equations. Later, a range of various three-equation models was developed for super-/hypersonic flow applications. However, striking the idea that the Reθ-equation was rather redundant, Menter produced a novel one-equation intermittency transport γ-equation model. In this report, yet another recently introduced transition model called as the Bas-Cakmakcioglu (B-C) algebraic model is elaborated. In this model, an algebraic γ-function, rather than the intermittency transport γ-equation, is incorporated into the one-equation Spalart-Allmaras turbulence model. Using the present B-C model, a number of two-dimensional test cases and three-dimensional test cases were simulated with quite successful results