Developing ratio tables to explore ratios

Sözen Özdoğan S., Akyüz D., Stephan M.

The Australian Mathematics Educational Journal (AMEJ), vol.1, no.2, pp.16-21, 2019 (Peer-Reviewed Journal)


In this study, we present an example of an instructional sequence using a ratio table to support students to develop and strengthen their proportional reasoning. The sequence was designed by Stephan, McManus, Smith and Dickey (2015) and, according to their teacher’s manual, includes the learning outcomes, instructional activities, mathematical tools, and possible topics of discourse to guide teachers. The Year 7 students in this work constructed proportional reasoning through interacting with their peers and by developing their own tools and strategies. The intention of the instructional sequence was to pose open-ended problems that might provoke students to organise their calculations in the form of a ratio table.