Synthesis of parabolic reflector antenna patterns using optimized array feed


Proceedings of the 3rd European Conference on Satellite Communications, Manchester, England, 2 - 04 November 1993, pp.50-54 identifier

  • Publication Type: Conference Paper / Full Text
  • City: Manchester
  • Country: England
  • Page Numbers: pp.50-54
  • TED University Affiliated: No


In this paper, we discuss the results of our study on properly excited array feed that yields the required pattern for rotationally symmetric parabolic reflectors with planar array feed. The radiation field of the array feed reflector antenna can be written as the superposition of the radiation due to the individual elements [4]. Far field radiation pattern of each individual array element is calculated by direct evaluation of the physical optics radiation integral. We present a derivation of physical optics radiation integral for an arbitrary offset feed rotationally symmetric parabolic reflectors. The excitation conditions (phase and amplitude) of the array elements are calculated using the least squares minimization method. Both co-polar and cross-polar radiation patterns are optimized when the elements of array feed are Huygens sources.