Ruminative reminiscence predicts COVID-related stress symptoms while reflective reminiscence and social reminiscence predict post-COVID growth

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Akdağ S., Korkmaz B., Tiftik T., Uzer Yıldız T.

Current Psychology, vol.43, no.18, pp.16992-17006, 2024 (SSCI) identifier identifier

  • Publication Type: Article / Article
  • Volume: 43 Issue: 18
  • Publication Date: 2024
  • Doi Number: 10.1007/s12144-023-04750-7
  • Journal Name: Current Psychology
  • Journal Indexes: Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI), Scopus, IBZ Online, BIOSIS, Business Source Elite, Business Source Premier, Psycinfo
  • Page Numbers: pp.16992-17006
  • Keywords: COVID-19, Post-COVID growth, Post-COVID stress, Pro-social reminiscence, Reminiscence functions
  • TED University Affiliated: Yes


Reminiscence refers to the process or act of thinking or telling about past experiences. Few studies address the relationship between reminiscence functions and trauma-related cognitions and emotions. This study aimed to expand the previous literature by investigating the frequency of different types of reminiscence during the COVID-19 pandemic and their relations to the likelihood of developing post-traumatic growth (PTG) and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), using an adult sample. Altogether, 184 participants (Mage = 30.38; SD = 10.95) completed the Reminiscence Functions Scale to report the purposes for which they shared their experiences during the first two waves of COVID-19. They also responded to the COVID-Transitional Impact Scale, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Checklist for DSM-5, Post Traumatic Growth Inventory, Revised Form of The Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support, and Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale, when considering the first two waves of COVID-19. The results demonstrated that pro-social reminiscence and self-positive reminiscence were significantly more common than self-negative reminiscence. Yet, these differences disappeared when the presence of COVID virus was controlled. Pro-social and self-positive reminiscence significantly predicted PTG beyond demographic characteristics, COVID-19 impact, social support, and resilience. In contrast, only self-negative reminiscence predicted PTSD beyond COVID-19 impact and demographic characteristics. Furthermore, serial mediation analysis indicated that pro-social reminiscence predicted PTG via its association with perceived social support and resilience. Our findings suggest the benefit of using reminiscence therapy-type interventions to facilitate PTG and reduce PTSD after large-scale disasters like pandemics.