Navigating Teaching in an Era of Social Distancing and Global Conflict, Shalin Hai-Jew, Editör, IGI Global yayınevi, Michigan, ss.53-80, 2024
This qualitative study investigated the implementation of online team teaching (OTT) between pre-service teachers (PSTs) and in-service teachers (ISTs) endeavoring to sustain language courses designed for financially disadvantaged learners during the pandemic. The research focused on the experiences of 27 PSTs and 9 ISTs from Türkiye. Data collection comprised a survey and interviews. Findings showed most PSTs and ISTs had previously team-taught. OTT mainly served for peer observation, course delivery, and evaluation purposes. Collaborative decision-making and lesson planning were underutilized, causing a lack of uniformity within and across the teams. OTT worked best when participants were team teaching in break-out rooms. Enhanced discourse between PSTs and learners in break-out rooms enriched the interactivity of lessons. Lastly, e-observation facilitated the exchange of feedback on teaching practices among participants. Results suggested promoting virtual reciprocal collaboration between teacher education programs and schools to enhance learning opportunities for PSTs and ISTs.