A procedure for determining concrete pavement thickness using P-wave speed measurements and the impact-echo method

Sansalone M., Lin J., Streett W. B.

Innovations in Nondestructive Testing of Concrete at the 1995 ACI Fall Convention, Montreal, Canada, 5 - 10 November 1995, vol.SP-168, pp.167-184 identifier

  • Publication Type: Conference Paper / Full Text
  • Volume: SP-168
  • City: Montreal
  • Country: Canada
  • Page Numbers: pp.167-184
  • Keywords: Errors, Impact tests, Nondestructive tests, Pavements
  • TED University Affiliated: No


© 1997 American Concrete Institute. All rights reserved.This paper describes the use of a P-wave-speed measurement technique in conjunction with the impact-echo method to nondestructively and accurately determine the thickness of new concrete pavements and other plate-like structures. Portable instrumentation (computer, data-acquisition hardware, transducers, and impactors) that can be used to perform both wave speed and impact-echo measurements accurately and reliably is described. Results of preliminary field studies carried out on a Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP) Test Section in Arizona are reported, including results obtained from pavements having different thicknesses, different strengths, and placed on different types of subgrades. The goal of this work 8 to lay the basis for an ASTM Standard Test Method for determining the thickness of concrete pavements and other plate-like structures.