Physica B: Physics of Condensed Matter, vol.192, no.4, pp.371-377, 1993 (SCI-Expanded)
The compositional variation of the elastic coefficients C11 and C33 for TlGa(S1-xS2 layer mixed crystal are discussed using Brillouin scattering measurements. Clear anomalies are observed for the longitudinal phonons propagating parallel to the (001) plane (elastic coefficient C11) at xc≅0.8 and xc≅0.3 in TlInxGa1-x S2 and TlGa(S1-xSex)2, respectively. These anomalies are explained by the formation of infinite clusters. A considerable difference in the rate of change of the elastic coefficient C33 with the composition for the mixed crystals TlGa(S1-xSex) 2 and TlInxGa1-xS2 is observed. The temperature variation of C33 for a TlIn0.95Ga0.05S2 mixed crystals is also given and the results are discussed. © 1993.