Central Bank Review, vol.2, pp.77-90, 2002 (Peer-Reviewed Journal)
This paper provides international evidence for the presence of the day of the week
effects in stock market returns denominated in both local currencies and the US dollars in
most of the nineteen countries in the sample for the period July 1993 to July 1998. The
observed daily patterns differ for local and dollar returns, the latter being exhibiting lower
daily means and higher standard deviations. In local currency terms, a pattern of higher
returns around the middle of the week, Tuesday and then Wednesday; and a lower pattern
towards the end of the week, Thursday and then Friday, are observed. In dollar terms, a
higher pattern occurs around the middle of the week, Wednesday and then Tuesday; and a
lower one is observed towards the end of the week, Thursday and then Friday. The lower
patterns are more apparent in both cases. Volatility is the highest on Mondays in both local
and dollar returns. Local returns have the lowest volatility towards the end of the week,
Thursday and Friday, whereas the lowest volatility of dollar returns are observed on
Tuesdays. The results have useful implications for international portfolio diversification.