MILLI FOLKLOR, no.79, pp.21-32, 2008 (AHCI)
In this article, it is suggested that the "text-oriented" approach, which results from the tendencies of written culture, should be abandoned in the study of the Dede Korkut narratives, and that these narratives, which are dependent on oral cultural production, should be reconsidered within the context of the Oral-Formulaic Hypothesis. To this end, the study will take a general look at the oral-formulaic nature of the Dede Korkut narratives, but take as its main object of consideration the yom sections found at the end of these narrativesy question of whether the thematic contexts of the The aim of this will be to provide an answer to the secondary question of whether the thematic contexts of the narratives reflect on the oral poets' usage of oral formulae in the recitation of these sections.