Journal of Business Research, vol.149, pp.393-411, 2022 (SSCI)
© 2022 The Author(s)This study examines the factors influencing blockchain's adoption intention as a whole, relying on an organisational perspective and the Technology-Organisation-Environment Framework (TOE). To organise and investigate the factors and to study blockchain technology adoption intention, this research employs a mixed-methodology. After an extended literature review, first, a qualitative approach is used to discover the factors from primary data collected from 25 interviews. Second, a quantitative survey is employed directly relating the factors to blockchain adoption intention and empirically testing them with 146 employees from 71 North American organisations. A total of 15 factors are discovered, seven are tested, and six are significant. In particular, the technology factors perceived interoperability and perceived data quality have a positive impact upon blockchain adoption intention, while the effect is negative for perceived technological volatility, regulatory uncertainty, standardisation uncertainty and the perceived lack of technological knowledge.