Applied Psychological Measurement, vol.48, no.7-8, pp.303-322, 2024 (SSCI)
This study provides an overview of the effect of differential item functioning (DIF) on measurement precision, test information function (TIF), and test effectiveness in computer adaptive tests (CATs). Simulated data for the study was produced and analyzed with the Rstudio. During the data generation process, item pool size, DIF type, DIF percentage, item selection method for CAT, and the test termination rules were considered changed conditions. Sample size and ability parameter distribution, Item Response Theory (IRT) model, DIF size, ability estimation method, test starting rule, and item usage frequency method regarding CAT conditions were considered fixed conditions. To examine the effect of DIF, measurement precision, TIF and test effectiveness were calculated. Results show DIF has negative effects on measurement precision, TIF, and test effectiveness. In particular, statistically significant effects of the percentage DIF items and DIF type are observed on measurement precision.