Hysteretic behavior of anchorage slip in R/C members

Saatcioglu M., Alsiwat J. M., Özcebe G.

Journal of Structural Engineering (United States), vol.118, no.9, pp.2439-2548, 1992 (Scopus) identifier


Large-scale reinforced concrete columns were tested to investigate hysteretic behavior of anchorage slip in reinforced concrete structures. The columns were subjected to constant axial compression and unidirectional and bidirectional lateral-deformation reversals. The results indicate a significant increase in column rotation due to anchorage slip. Penetration of yielding into the column footing was observed in the tension reinforcement, while the compression yielding was localized at the column-footing interface. Axial compression resulted in early closure of the crack associated with anchorage slip, reducing related deformations. An analytical model was developed for hysteretic moment-anchorage slip-rotation relationship. The model consists of a primary curve and a set of rules defining unloading and reloading branches. The primary curve is constructed by computing the extension and slippage of tension reinforcement in the adjoining member. This is accomplished by considering inelastic strain distribution along the embedment length of reinforcement, as well as the local bond-slip relationship. Hysteretic rules are obtained from experimental observations, and incorporate pinching of hysteresis loops as well as the effect of axial compression. Comparisons of experimental and analytical hysteretic relationships indicate excellent agreement. © ASCE.