From Kindergarten of Design to City Design

Günay B.

in: CITYBOOK, Ela Ataç Kavurmacı,Zeynep Eraydın, Editor, ÖZ_SAN Matbaacılık, Ankara, pp.8-37, 2022

  • Publication Type: Book Chapter / Chapter TextBook
  • Publication Date: 2022
  • Publisher: ÖZ_SAN Matbaacılık
  • City: Ankara
  • Page Numbers: pp.8-37
  • Editors: Ela Ataç Kavurmacı,Zeynep Eraydın, Editor
  • TED University Affiliated: Yes


CITYBOOK 2017-2022 is a guidebook that explains 20 city planning and urban design concepts conveyed to students in the first-five-years ofTEDU Department of City and Regional Planning (TEDUCITY) studio education through selected student projects. The aim of the book is to give an inspiring overview of the planning and design concepts and approaches used in studio education to represent the alphabet of the constructive language of spatial planning. While doing this CITYBOOK 2017-2022 does not aim at providing an exhaustive list of every study made at the studios in five years. It is, there­fore, neither a yearbook nor a library of studio projects, but rather a holistic view of plan­ning and design studio education regardless of scales, places, and year of education.

CITYBOOK 2017-2022 is divided into two main parts as the kindergarten of design and the city. The kindergarten of design part involves the concepts and outputs of the first-year basic design in planning studios whereas the city part represents the second-, third- and fourth-year studios. The overview of the city planning studios at TEDUCITY shows the wide variety in approaches towards learning by doing, algorithmic thinking, thinking by drawing, problem definition, and part and whole relations. The studios together offer students the opportunity to choose their field of specialization in urban planning among urban design, social aspects of planning, urban engineering, and urban economy and to define their own position within the discipline of urban planning.

CITYBOOK 2017-2022 is, therefore, a pilot collective effort ofTEDUCITY Planning Studi­os to introduce the mindset of City and Regional Planning education held at the Depart­ment to the national and global community of city planners, students, academics, and urban researchers. CITYBOOK 2017-2022 will hopefully provide a mirror to the logic of "studio" in planning education itself which lays at the core of almost all urban planning schools but also serves as a guidebook for those who are interested in the basic con­cepts and understandings of city planning and design.