An Innovative Methodology for Early English Language Pre-Service Teachers (PSELTs) to Tap Into Young Learner Agency: The Case of Storybook Integration in Early English Classrooms in Turkey

Ünal Gezer M.

EECERA (European Early Childhood Education Research) 31st Conference, Lisbon, Portugal, 30 August - 02 September 2023, vol.00, no.0

  • Publication Type: Conference Paper / Summary Text
  • Volume: 00
  • City: Lisbon
  • Country: Portugal
  • TED University Affiliated: Yes


In this empirical study, pre-service teacher implementations during storybook reading via lesson planning and lesson microteaching to tap into young learner agency and autonomy in an English language teacher education program in Turkey will be uncovered. Storybooks can be integrated to early English classrooms as tools to support learner agency and curiosity, and thus learner autonomy (Ghosn, 2002). Studies showed PSELT training is a rigorous process and PSELT reflection can be a tool to train novice teachers as those reflections can serve as revelation of their teaching philosophies, instructional, pedagogical orientations (Ünal Gezer, 2022). Transformative teacher education is socio-culturally driven as teacher education and training is a socio-cultural process where the effort is collaborative and social processes are functional in knowledge re-construction (Livingston, 2020). The study was conducted within a qualitative interpretive research paradigm (Denzin & Lincoln, 2005). Lesson plans were written and written/planned lessons were implemented by participant prospective teachers. The analysis was conducted through qualitative document and content analysis of the written and video-recorded lessons within hermeneutic phenomenology approach. Participants who were trained to be English teachers to young learners granted consent to be part of the study. There was no potential conflict of interest. The findings of the study showed alignment with early English lessons, developing vocabulary, grammar, skills are the highlights of the lesson. Gaining social, critical skills, and learner autonomy are secondary goals. Autonomy is not as emphasized in this study. The implications on teacher training for early English education will be discussed.