Uspoken Issues in Architectural Education, Gazimagusa, Cyprus (Kktc), 14 April 2022
Design education does not only face the problem of curriculum structure but also deals with the problem of self-regulation. To develop a sustainable educational approach and create the means for the system to self-control and improvement, the term “accreditation” arrives into the field of design education. Considering design education, with respect to its nature, it is not easy to classify as applied, or social sciences. Moreover, it is not easily defined as an act of art. Mainly it can be defined as an education that is positioned at the cross-sections of both science and art.
The major concern of this study is to highlight different dimensions of accreditation that gained value in interior architecture/design education. In this respect, the study aims to share and discuss the processes of developing regulations for interior architecture/design education nationally. The case of İMEPAK, a recently established organization, targeting to carry out the accreditation process in Turkey and Turkish Republic of North Cyprus is introduced with its various dimensions. The main body of the study covers the vision, mission, strategic targets, and the brief background related to the period of establishment of İMEPAK (İçmimarlık Eğitim Programları Akreditasyon Komitesi) – Interior Architecture Education Programs Accreditation Committee.
IMEPAK within the body of a joint accreditation association TAPLAK (Tasarım Planlama Akreditasyon Kurulu – Design and Planning Accreditation Association), targets to improve the profession and carry it to the future through the education of young professionals by scrutinizing the Interior Architecture education programs throughout the country.