Exploring teachers’ beliefs about listening in a foreign language.

İrgın P.

in: Design solutions for adaptive hypermedia listening software, , Editor, IGI Global, pp.199-220, 2021

  • Publication Type: Book Chapter
  • Publication Date: 2021
  • Doi Number: 10.4018/978-1-7998-7876-6.ch010
  • Publisher: IGI Global
  • Page Numbers: pp.199-220
  • Editors: , Editor
  • TED University Affiliated: Yes


There is a substantial amount of research in the field of language teacher cognition reiterating that teachers' beliefs influence their classroom practices; however, teacher beliefs and practices do not always correspond because of the differences in both researchers' and teachers' conceptualization of beliefs and practices. This study aims to investigate the beliefs and practices of 96 language teachers in Turkey. A mixed-method research design was employed to answer the questions to what extent teachers' beliefs and practices reflect the issues stated in the literature on second language listening, what their beliefs and listening instructional practices are, whether their beliefs and practices converge, and if so, what factors underpin them.