Direct laser writing of optical field concentrators based on chirped three-dimensional photonic crystals

Mizeikis V., Hayran Z., Kurt H., Turduev M., Gailevičius D., Malinauskas M., ...More

Advanced Fabrication Technologies for Micro/Nano Optics and Photonics XIII 2020, California, United States Of America, 2 - 05 February 2020, vol.11292 identifier identifier

  • Publication Type: Conference Paper / Full Text
  • Volume: 11292
  • Doi Number: 10.1117/12.2544857
  • City: California
  • Country: United States Of America
  • Keywords: direct laser writing, photonic crystals, spatially variant photonic crystals, optical field concentration
  • TED University Affiliated: Yes


© COPYRIGHT SPIE. Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.We describe fabrication and properties of 3D photonic crystals with chirped lattice period using Direct Laser Write lithography technique in photoresists, and report on the optical properties of the fabricated structures. Experimental demonstration that the fabricated structures can be used as concentrators of electromagnetic radiation along the direction of propagation at optical frequencies is reported. Potential applications of chirped photonic crystal in improved optical detectors are discussed.