EMERGING MARKETS FINANCE & TRADE, vol.38, no.6, pp.78-99, 2002 (SSCI)
This paper uses a unique data set to examine the possibility of a structural change
in contemporaneous volume–return relation on the Istanbul Stock Exchange (ISE) during
the Russian crisis in 1998. The comparison of the relationship during the crisis period to
those during pre- and post-crisis periods shows that there was a structural change regarding the price impact of trading volume. The evidence indicates that traders needed to give
considerably larger price concessions during the crisis period. The structural change was
transitory since the cost of getting liquidity is shown to fall back during the post-crisis
period. This study also provides the first evidence on univariate and joint characteristics of
fifteen-minute common stock trading volume and returns on the ISE. Both average volume
and return show significant univariate intraday variations, and there exists a positive contemporaneous relation between these variables. Moreover, there is weak evidence that in a
GARCH setting volume has an impact on conditional return volatility.