19th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MACHINE DESIGN AND PRODUCTION (UMTIK 2022), Nevşehir, Turkey, 31 August - 03 September 2022, pp.77
In a typical virtual reality (VR) simulation with haptic feedback, visual and haptic stimuli are not
collocated. That is, the users watch interactions with virtual objects on a computer screen, but
feel them via a commercial haptic device located somewhere else. For applications with a
relatively small workspace, such as digital sculpting or surgical simulations, this is still a
somewhat immersive experience. If the computer screen is replaced by a VR headset, then
colocation is possible but with limitations. This is mainly because the haptic workspace
provided by a typical commercial force-feedback device is very small compared to the visual
workspace provided by the headset. So called encountered-type haptic displays (ETHDs) are
better suited for haptic feedback in modern virtual-reality and/or augmented-reality (AR)
environments. ETHDs are actually robot manipulators that position their end-effector at the
location of the virtual object and wait for the user to “encounter”. The biggest challenge here
is the accurate tracking of the user’s hand or tool to ensure successful encounters. Another
challenge, which only applies to AR, is to remove the ETHD from the visual scene.
This presentation will also include two different examples of collocated visuo-haptic simulation
environments. In the first one, users hold real tools in an AR environment and receive
kinesthetic haptic feedback. The second one features barehand interaction with virtual objects
having different surface properties.