Simple vertical human climbing control with end effector state machines

Kavafoğlu Z., İlhan H., Kavafoğlu E., Gurcay H., Çapın T. K.

in: Contemporary Topics in Computer Graphics and Games, , Editor, pp.381-401, 2019

  • Publication Type: Book Chapter
  • Publication Date: 2019
  • Page Numbers: pp.381-401
  • Editors: , Editor
  • TED University Affiliated: Yes


We present a framework for physics based vertical climbing control for human like articulated figures. In our work motion of end effectors of the figure are categorized under four states: Holding, Swinging, Reached and Gave-Up. Each end effector owns a finite state machine for managing the transitions between these states. Different target poses are determined for the limbs for swinging and holding states and they are tracked with PD Controller and gravity compensation. At Reached and Gave-Up states the aim of the end effector is to touch the closest point on the wall. Physics based movement of end effectors for touching the wall is simulated by using Jacobian Transpose Control. Our framework also includes a strategy manager which enables building different climbing strategies.