10th Disco Conference on Analog Education to Digital Education, Prague, Czech Republic, 22 - 24 June 2015, pp.137-144
The aim of this study was to investigate whether it was possible to determine students with Mathematics Learning Difficulties (MLD) risk with a screening tool containing three basic number processing tests (BNPT). Participants were 478 students from 12 state primary schools in Ankara. Four tests were administered to the students. Firstly students were administered a curriculum based Mathematics Achievement Test (MAT) and they were divided into three groups as MLD risk, low achieving, typical achieving based on this achievement test. The three remaining tests, Canonic Dot Counting (CDC) Test, Symbolic Number Comparison (SNC) Test, and Mental Number Line (MNL) Test were administered to students individually. These tests were used to measure the basic number processing skills of the students. In the analyses, Inverse Efficiency Scores (IES) were calculated for two of the BNP tests, CDC and SNC. The total absolute errors were calculated for MNL estimations. The scores obtained from the BNP tests are expected to be inversly proportional to MAT score. When the scores of CDC-SNC-MNL Tests and MAT were examined, it was found that 11 of the 12 first graders, and all of the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th graders categorized as MLD risk got scores lower than grade level mean, in at least one BNPT. The results showed that screening tool has a very high potential to determine students with MLD risk at the primary school level. It can also be said that once the students' defficiencies in basic numerical skills are determined it would be possible to arrange intervention studies based on individual needs.