2017 International Conference on Informatics, Health and Technology, ICIHT 2017, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 21 - 23 February 2017
Entity authentication is one of the fundamental information security properties for secure transactions and communications. The combination of biometrics with cryptography is an emerging topic for authentication protocol design. Among the existing biometrics (e.g., fingerprint, face, iris, voice, heart), the heart-signal contains liveness property of biometric samples. In this paper, a remote entity authentication protocol has been proposed based on the randomness of heart biometrics combined with chaos cryptography. To this end, initial keys are generated for chaotic logistic maps based on the heart-signal. The authentication parameters are generated from the initial keys that can be used for claimants and verifiers to authenticate and verify each other, respectively. In this proposed technique, as each session of communication is different from others, therefore many session-oriented attacks are prevented. Experiments have been conducted on sample heart-signal for remote authentication. The results show that the randomness property of the heart-signal can help to implement one of the famous secure encryption, namely one-time pad encryption.