Seismic Assessment of Existing Reinforced Concrete Buildings: New Developments - Report on Efforts of the Committee for Seismic Repair and Rehabilitation, vol.SP-297
© 2004 American Concrete Institute. All rights reserved.A new law known as the "Urban Renewal Law" for risk mitigation was passed in May 2012 with the objective of reducing seismic risk associated with the existing building stock in Turkey. As stated in the law, new provisions are set forth to assess and to identify seismically vulnerable residential buildings as quickly as possible. The buildings that are classified as high risk are either demolished or strengthened. New buildings are constructed through the financing options provided by the government. In this study, first, the technical provisions of seismic risk assessment, based on linear elastic analysis, are briefly described with special emphasis on the deformation limits. Because of the inability of the linear elastic analysis to allow for redistribution, some flexibility is provided on how many vertical load bearing elements are allowed to exceed their performance limits. Afterwards, three case study buildings are analyzed by using the new provisions and ASCE/SEI 41-06 linear elastic procedure. Level and sources of conservatism in the two approaches are critically evaluated.