International Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces, AVI '10, Rome, Italy, 26 - 28 May 2010, pp.119-126
Traditional desktop computers are known to offer insufficient functionality to designers. They are often complemented by penbased tablet devices in order to better support key activities such as sketching and modeling. However, even such extended systems are restricted, as they insufficiently support other key activities of individual designers and design teams, such as collecting and sorting inspirational material, viewing and manipulating 3D models, brainstorming, discussing or presenting. Advanced visual interfaces, such as augmented surfaces, have been proposed as being potentially complimentary in this respect, as they can support multi-user interaction, bimanual interaction (even in 3D), and a better integration between physical and digital media. In this paper, we present Design TeamMate, a system in which individual workstations of designers are fluently integrated with an augmented tabletop and wall display. We discuss how this platform can support a wide range of individual and group design activities. Copyright 2010 ACM.