Damping measures against prospective oscillations between Turkish grid and ENTSO-E system

Tor O. B., Gencoglu C., Yilmaz O., Cebeci M. E., GÜVEN A. N.

2010 International Conference on Power System Technology: Technological Innovations Making Power Grid Smarter, POWERCON2010, Hangzhou, China, 24 - 28 October 2010 identifier

  • Publication Type: Conference Paper / Full Text
  • Doi Number: 10.1109/powercon.2010.5666448
  • City: Hangzhou
  • Country: China
  • Keywords: Interconnected power systems, Power system control, Power system dynamic stability, Power system simulation, Static VAR compensators
  • TED University Affiliated: No


After the synchronous interconnection of Turkish Power System to ENTSO-E CESA (former UCTE) System, interarea oscillations in the range of 0.15 Hz are prone to occur, according to simulation studies. Therefore, some preventive measures should be considered in order to ensure stable operation of the network after the interconnection. This study summarizes the effects of following measures based on computer simulations: 1) Retuning of power system stabilizers (PSS) of the important power plants in Turkey, 2) Controller modification of static VAR compensators (SVC) existing in steel melting arc furnaces that are supplied directly from the transmission system, 3) Controller modification of ±50 MVAR STATCOM which is designed for voltage regulation, 4) Application of breaking resistors as a backup measure in case of malfunctioning of the other solutions. In addition to individual analysis of each measure, their combined contribution is also analyzed. A load flow scenario, in which Turkey exports 900 MW to ENTO-E CESA System, is utilized as a reference scenario. In simulations, Turkish grid is represented in detail and a reduced representation of ENTSO-E CESA network, which consists of 75 nodes and 133 lines, is utilized. The results show positive contribution of each measure to system damping performance. The study includes comparison of each preventive measure's contribution level and conclusive recommendations. ©2010 IEEE.