Predictors of Vocational College Students’ Behavioral Intention to Use Web-Based Listening Test

Erdoğan T.

Online Journal of Technology Addiction & Cyberbullying, vol.5, no.2, pp.46-59, 2018 (Peer-Reviewed Journal)


The recent developments in information technologies have influenced many aspects of our lives. While internet has facilitated our lives in various areas, it has concurrently raised some unfavorable issues like excessive use and preoccupation. Especially youngsters and university students are vulnerable to adverse effects of excessive internet use. Excessive use of the Internet causes them to neglect other areas of their lives, to fail in school and work, and to increase their dissatisfaction with life as a result of isolation and loneliness. For this reason, internet addiction is a problem that deserves further analysis, especially because of the damage to the younger generations. The purpose of this study is to compare internet addiction levels of students based on their satisfaction status and to analyze the relationship between students’ internet addiction and life satisfaction. The participants comprised 404 post-secondary students enrolling at a vocational college. "Internet Addiction Test" and “the Life Satisfaction Scale” were used as data collection tools. Descriptive (mean, percentage) and inferential statistics (independent samples t test, correlation and regression) were utilized for data analysis. The results showed that internet addiction scores of the students who were satisfied or not satisfied with their schools; family relations and social life have changed significantly. In addition, a weak but significant relationship was found between internet addiction and life satisfaction.