Nuclear Physics B, vol.983, 2022 (SCI-Expanded)
© 2022 The Author(s)The semi-leptonic transition of B¯s→Ds2ℓν¯ to tensor meson of negative parity JP=2− is examined in the content of the QCD sum rules approach. The three-point correlation function is used to calculate the transition form-factors of the hadronic matrix element involved in these channels. With these transition form-factors, the predicted branching ratios are estimated as: BR[B¯s→Ds2eν¯e]=4.32−2.0+2.0×10−3, BR[B¯s→Ds2μν¯μ]=4.29−2.0+2.0×10−3, and BR[B¯s→Ds2τν¯τ]=3.1−1.4+1.4×10−4. We also calculated the leptonic angular spectra and leptonic forward-backward asymmetries. The effect of the leptonic decay constant fDs2 on these observables is also considered. The obtained orders of the branching ratios in this work are indicating that these channels can be investigated at LHCb in the near future.