AIAA AVIATION 2020 FORUM, Virtual, Online, 15 - 19 June 2020, vol.1 PartF
© 2020, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Inc, AIAA. All rights reserved.A modified version of the BC zero-equation (algebraic) transition model is proposed in order to eliminate some deficiencies in the original model reported by the experts. The newly formulated BCM algebraic transition model still relies on local flow information and coupled with the SA turbulence model in a way that the intermittency factor is multiplied with the production term of the turbulence model. In the BCM transition model, first, the lack of Galilean invariance in the original model due to inclusion of the local velocity magnitude in the equations is removed. Second, the appearance of the Re number in formulation of the original model is eliminated, which before caused some problems in a way that it brings a possibly non-unique reference length into play. After fixing these two deficiencies, the new BCM model is calibrated against the well-known natural transition flat plate test data of Schubauer and Klebanoff. After the calibration, the BCM model is tested against the zero-pressure gradient flat plate test cases of Savill and the results are compared with the original model. It is observed from the results that the original model and the BCM model give nearly the same results. Finally, the new formulation will be tested against an airfoil, the Eppler E387, a turbine cascade case, the T106, and a 3-D test case of flow over a 6:1 prolate spheroid.