General Information

Institutional Information: Faculty Of Education, Dep.Of Mathematics And Science Education, Mathematics Education
Avesis Research Areas: Social Sciences and Humanities, Education, Elementary School Education, Teacher Training For Elementary Sch. Edu. in Mathematics, Teacher Training

Names in Publications: Toker Zerrin, Toker Z.
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Zerrin Toker graduated from Savaştepe Anatolian Teacher Training High School and got her bachelor's degree in 2004 from Middle East Technical University, Department of Elementary Mathematics Education. She got an MS in 2008 from Middle East Technical University and a Ph.D. in 2016 from Middle East Technical University. For both Ms. and Ph.D., she worked on elementary mathematics education.

She worked as a mathematics teacher from 2004 to 2017. Besides, she served as the head of the mathematics department from 2010 to 2017. Between 2011 and 2013, she worked as a professional development coordinator and found the opportunity to work on several tasks, such as the integration of international mathematics scope and sequence documents aligned with MoNE requirements, in-service training of homeroom and mathematics teachers, and mentoring pre-service mathematics teachers. She had international baccalaureate experience in PYP and MYP for more than 10 years.

She wrote a series of books containing the set "Mathematics Course Book, Student Book, and Teachers Book," which were used in mathematics lessons all over the elementary schools in Turkey after the admission of the Ministry of National Education (MoNE). In addition to this, she participated in the commission and served as the writer of a coursebook, and this book also got admission by MoNE and was used by many schools as a coursebook. She wrote a supplementary book as well. In addition to this, during the 2016–2017 academic year, she gave a lecture at Hacettepe University as a part-time instructor.

Based on her background as a teacher, her field of interest includes the development of mathematical thought, conceptual learning, student-centered instructional design, the reflective thinking process of pre-service and in-service teachers, curriculum, and international education. She is interested in design-based research,interdisciplinary learning, differentiated instruction, and data-driven instructional design.
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