Publications & Works

Published journal articles indexed by SCI, SSCI, and AHCI
Articles Published in Other Journals
Refereed Congress / Symposium Publications in Proceedings

Detecting Errors in Automatic Image Captioning by Deep Learning Derin Ögrenme ile Otomatik Olarak Üretilen Resim Alt Yazismdaki Hatalarm Tespiti

6th International Conference on Computer Science and Engineering, UBMK 2021, Ankara, Turkey, 15 - 17 September 2021, pp.46-49 identifier

Topic-Controlled Text Generation

6th International Conference on Computer Science and Engineering, UBMK 2021, Ankara, Turkey, 15 - 17 September 2021, pp.533-536 identifier

Effect of PSO Tuned P, PD, and PID Controllers on the Stability of a Quadrotor

1st International Informatics and Software Engineering Conference, IISEC 2019, Ankara, Turkey, 6 - 07 November 2019 identifier

Image Tag Refinement with Self Organizing Maps

1st International Informatics and Software Engineering Conference, IISEC 2019, Ankara, Turkey, 6 - 07 November 2019 identifier

Deep Learning and Current Trends in Machine Learning

3rd International Conference on Computer Science and Engineering, UBMK 2018, Sarajevo, Bosnia And Herzegovina, 20 - 23 September 2018, pp.467-470 identifier

An Undergraduate Curriculum for Deep Learning

3rd International Conference on Computer Science and Engineering, UBMK 2018, Sarajevo, Bosnia And Herzegovina, 20 - 23 September 2018, pp.604-609 identifier

Parking space occupancy detection using deep learning methods Araç park yerlerinin doluluk durumlarinin derin öǧrenme yöntemi ile tespit edilmesi

26th IEEE Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference, SIU 2018, İzmir, Turkey, 2 - 05 May 2018, pp.1-4 identifier

An IoT application for locating victims aftermath of an earthquake

1st IEEE Ukraine Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering, UKRCON 2017, Kyiv, Ukraine, 29 May - 02 June 2017, pp.876-880 identifier

Ontology-supported enterprise architecture analysis

1st IEEE Ukraine Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering, UKRCON 2017, Kyiv, Ukraine, 29 May - 02 June 2017, pp.771-775 identifier

Mobile Sink Scheduling Method for Wireless Sensor Networks under Travel Time Uncertainty

The 2nd International Conference on Network Technologies (ICNT 2015), 17 - 18 September 2015

UAV Route Planing for Avoidıng Enemy Radars

The 1st International Conference on Engineering and Natural Sciences (ICENS 2015), Macedonia, 15 - 19 May 2015

Yollardan Gecis Guvenligini Saglayacak Bir Sensor Aginin Modellenmesi ve Uygulanabilirliginin Benzetimle Denenmesi

Ulusal Savunma Uygulamalari Modelleme Ve Simulasyon Konferansi (USMOS'11), Ankara, Turkey, 1 - 03 June 2011

Efficient Routing of Ambulances Aftermath of a Disaster

The 1st International Conference on Engineering and Natural Sciences (ICENS 2015), Macedonia, 15 - 19 May 2015

A Genetic Algorithm for Safe and Rapid Transmission of Military Vehicles in a Minefield

The 1st International Conference on Engineering and Natural Sciences (ICENS 2015), Macedonia, 15 - 19 May 2015

Yazilim mühendisligi egitiminde bitirme projesinin yürütülmesinde iki farkli yöntemin ögrenci bakis açisiyla degerlendirilmesi

9th Turkish National Software Engineering Symposium, UYMS 2015, İzmir, Turkey, 9 - 11 September 2015, vol.1483, pp.502-512 identifier

Determining firm logos using image processing techniques on a mobile device to aid blind people

The Second International Symposium on Engineering, Artificial Intelligence and Applications (ISEAIA 2014), 5 - 07 November 2014

Efficient Data Gathering in WSN with a Range Constrained Mobile Relay

The Second International Symposium on Engineering, Artificial Intelligence and Applications (ISEAIA 2014), 5 - 07 November 2014

RSRP Risk Sensitive Routing Protocol in Wireless Sensor Networks

The Second International Symposium on Engineering, Artificial Intelligence and Applications (ISEAIA 2014), 5 - 07 November 2014

A Service Oriented Architecture to Recognize Car Plates by Mobile Devices

The Second International Symposium on Engineering, Artificial Intelligence and Applications (ISEAIA 2014), 5 - 07 November 2014

Maximizing UAV Target Coverage under Flight Range and Target Service Time Constraints

4th International Conference on Computer and Software Modeling (ICCSM 2014), Bangkok, Thailand, 10 - 12 October 2014

Route Optimization Methods for Unmanned Air Vehicle Launched from a Carrier

4th International Conference on Computer and Software Modeling (ICCSM 2014), Bangkok, Thailand, 10 - 12 October 2014

Gemiye Konuşlu İnsansız Hava Aracının Hedeflere Rotalanmasının Optimizasyonu

7.Savunma Teknolojileri Kongresi (SAVTEK-2014), Ankara, Turkey, 4 - 06 June 2014

UAV Route Planning For Maximum Target Coverage

The First International Symposium on Engineering, Artificial Intelligence and Applications (ISEAIA 2013), 6 - 08 November 2013

A Local Optimization Technique for Assigning New Targets to the Planned Routes of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles

The First International Symposium on Engineering, Artificial Intelligence and Applications (ISEAIA 2013), 6 - 08 November 2013

En Az Sayıda İnsansız Hava Aracı Kullanarak Sabit Hedeflerin Gozetlenmesinin Planlanması

15. Otomatik Kontrol Ulusal Toplantısı ve Sergisi (TOK2013), Ankara, Turkey, 3 - 05 September 2013

Yazilim mühendisliʇi eʇitiminde bitirme projesi dersinin öʇrenci bakiş açisiyla deʇerlendirilmesi

7th Turkish National Software Engineering Symposium, UYMS 2013, İzmir, Turkey, 26 September 2013, vol.1072 identifier

A distributed and measurement-based framework against free riding in peer-to-peer networks

Proceedings - Fourth International Conference on Peer-to-Peer Computing, P2P2004, Zürich, Switzerland, 25 - 27 August 2004, pp.276-277 Creative Commons License identifier

Evaluation of a broadcast scheduling algorithm

5th East European Conference on Advances in Databases and Information Systems, ADBIS 2001, Vilniaus, Lithuania, 25 - 28 September 2001, vol.2151, pp.182-195 Creative Commons License identifier



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