2017 - Continues Associate Professor
TED University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Department of Psychology
2021 - Continues TEDU CoPES: TEDU Coronavirus Psycho-Social Support Team Director
2016 - Continues Chair
TED University, Psychology
2019 - 2024 TEDU Department of Psychology Acreditation Committee member
2019 - 2024 Graduate School Committee (Enstitü Kurulu) Membership
2016 - 2024 Graduate School Department of Psychology, Chair
TED University, Graduate School
2021 - 2023 TEDU Human Research Ethics Committee Chairperson
2021 - 2021 Turkey Fire/Flood Trauma Recovery Project- TEDU COPeS- World Human Relief Collaboration
2021 - 2021 Cinsel Şiddet Önleme (CTS)
Doctorate Doctoral Dissertation I
Postgraduate Family Systems: Adevelopmental Perspective
Postgraduate Clinical Supervision I
Doctorate Community Clinical Psychology
Postgraduate Clinical Interviewing
Doctorate Community Mental Health Project
Undergraduate Selected Topics in Psychology
Postgraduate Family, Crises, and Trauma
Doctorate Seminar
Undergraduate Graduation Paper and Seminar
Postgraduate Pre-Thesis Seminar
Postgraduate Master's Thesis I
Postgraduate Family Therapy
Undergraduate Family Systems
Postgraduate Master's Thesis II
Postgraduate Case Formulation in Child, Adolescent an
Postgraduate Clinical Supervision II
Undergraduate Trauma Psychology
Postgraduate Supervised Clinical Practicum /Internship I
Postgraduate Supervised Clinical Practicum /Internship II
Postgraduate Clinical and Research Ethics
Undergraduate Psychology
Undergraduate General Psychology
Suicidal ideas and suicidal probability: Examining various pathways through integrating interpersonal psychological theory of suicide and attachment theory
Yiğit İ. (Co-Advisor), Gökler Danışman I.
Developing an online intervention program for prolonged grief disorder and testing its effectiveness with a randomized control trial
Gökler Danışman I., Keser E. (Co-Advisor)
The role of parental maladaptive schemas and family alliance on child well-being
Özer N. S., Gökler Danışman I. (Co-Advisor)
Investigating the relationship between family systems structural characteristics and the differentiation of self in late adolescents during the launching phase: Mediating role of the parental boundary ambiguity
Gökler Danışman I. (Advisor)
Investigating the effects of boundary ambiguity and parentification on youth's symptomatology and attitudes and expectations about future in divorced families
Gökler Danışman I. (Advisor)
The relationship between parental differentiation of self and internalizing and externalizing problems in Turkish adolescents: The mediator roles of family functioning and adolescents' differentiation of self
Gökler Danışman I. (Advisor)
The psychological effects of Covid-19 pandemic on children: An investigation from bioecological perspective
Gökler Danışman I. (Advisor)
Investigating the roles of psychological control and parental maladaptive perfectionism on the relationship between parental separation anxiety and obsessive-compulsive symptoms among adolescents
Gökler Danışman I., Keser E. (Co-Advisor)
Examining the reflections of childhood exposure to political violence on adulthood psychological health in terms of social-ecological variables
Gökler Danışman I. (Advisor)
Investigating the role of family-of-origin risk factors in the prediction of current intimate partner violence: Testing a proposed model based on object relations theory
Gökler Danışman I. (Advisor)
What do mothers of gay youth experience? a qualitative study
Gökler Danışman I. (Advisor)
The role of intergenerational transmission on the decision-making process of voluntary childlessness
Gökler Danışman I. (Advisor)
Family grief in case of unexpected loss due to work accident: A qualitative study
Gökler Danışman I. (Advisor)
An investigation of the subjective experiences of expectant couples with prior perinatal loss: A qualitative study
Gökler Danışman I. (Advisor)
Impacts of parentification due to maternal depressive symptoms on the psychological symptomatology and interpersonal relationship quality of their young children: Protective role of father involvement
Gökler Danışman I., Ar Karcı Y. (Co-Advisor)
Investigating the relation between maternal childhood traumatic experiences and children's emotion regulation: mediating role of maternal emotion regulation and emotion socialization
Gökler Danışman I., Uzer Yıldız T. (Co-Advisor)
An investigation into the relationship between early maladaptive schemas and romantic dissolution grief in youth : a mixed method study
Gökler Danışman I. (Advisor)
The mediating roles of emotion dysregulation and metacognition in the relationship between terrorism and community violence related risk appraisals and psychological symptomatology
Gökler Danışman I. (Advisor)
The mediating role of event-related houseld discussions in the relationship between family factors and psychological adjustment in children and adolescents exposed to terrorism and community violence
Gökler Danışman I. (Advisor)
An investigation into the effects of mood and autobiographical memory on risk appraisal in adolescents
Gökler Danışman I. (Advisor)